Saturday, August 21, 2010

The vines are withering and dying....Oh NO!!!!!

It would appear that the pumpkins are all healthy and doing well, but as of today Weed Destroyer has withered and died. He lost a baby pumpkin :(
We count about 9 healthy pumpkins, but I'm afraid the one orange one that's visible will just rot on the vine.... it still has another month or so before the season is upon us (plus it looks all warped).
I'm not sure why the vines/leaves are all turning brown and dying. I'm giving them plenty of water.  Scouring the internet indicates there could be a fungus among_us.  I think I missed my window of opportunity to destroy the destroyer of my pumpkin plants, but I'll try a fungicide and report back.

Hang in there little pumpkin plants!

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