Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 5

Well, as you can see there's hardly any activity in the garden.  The pumpkins are growing at a snails pace, so it's hard to tell there's even plants in the dirt patch.  I took the picture earlier in the day so the shadow of the shed doesn't hang over the focus of the picture. One of these days I'll get lucky and catch a bird coming in or out of that house on the right side of the image. Occasionally I will see mama bird poke her beak out to determine what's disturbing her beauty rest, but for the most part she stays well hidden.

The squash in the veggie garden have already bloomed a few of those big ole yellow flowers, but there does not seem to be much action with the pumpkins.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 4

Throughout the years I've noticed field mice tunneling through the melting snow and creating dead-grass tracks in the lawn.  Two years ago, I discovered nasty little critters with the designation: "mole" ripping up the yard and making their way into the garden.  Yesterday when I went to water the pumpkins I found a new tunnel tracking directly to one of the larger pumpkin plants.  Apparently my pumpkin plant was in his way because he proceeded to lift my plant out of the ground so he could continue along his path.  I guess the only thing that allowed this to happen was that I am using those biodegradable pots that allow the roots to grow through them.  Had it not been for that, he probably would have chewed right through the roots and killed the poor defenseless plant.  I caved in his tunnel and replaced my plant, but I doubt I have seen the last of this mischievous miscreant.  This event also allowed me to see that roots are indeed growing through the pot and makes me believe that the pumpkins, pale leaves or not, are growing fine.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pumpking Garden Days 1-3

Since I have two gardens, I thought I would add a blog for the pumpkin garden and keep it separate from the vegetable garden. For the most part, we have had a lot of success with pumpkins. Last year was a dud and we yielded no pumpkins. The two years prior we had 13 and 6 pumpkins. This year, we have planted 7 pumpkin plants. I did not use weed barrier and I pulled out all the weeds I could find. Obviously I will need to stay on top of the area so the weeds don't take over the pumpkins. Since we don't plan on eating the pumpkins, I wonder if we can just spray the area with weed-killer or will that damage the pumpkin plants as well?

My only concern right now with the plants is that their leaves are all very pale. They receive a ton of sunlight and I've been watering them regularly.