Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 4

Throughout the years I've noticed field mice tunneling through the melting snow and creating dead-grass tracks in the lawn.  Two years ago, I discovered nasty little critters with the designation: "mole" ripping up the yard and making their way into the garden.  Yesterday when I went to water the pumpkins I found a new tunnel tracking directly to one of the larger pumpkin plants.  Apparently my pumpkin plant was in his way because he proceeded to lift my plant out of the ground so he could continue along his path.  I guess the only thing that allowed this to happen was that I am using those biodegradable pots that allow the roots to grow through them.  Had it not been for that, he probably would have chewed right through the roots and killed the poor defenseless plant.  I caved in his tunnel and replaced my plant, but I doubt I have seen the last of this mischievous miscreant.  This event also allowed me to see that roots are indeed growing through the pot and makes me believe that the pumpkins, pale leaves or not, are growing fine.

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