Tuesday, June 15, 2010

bunny + coyote = natural solution

We found this bunny lying next to our butterfly bush last night.  I'm not sure if he's taunting us saying "haha I can hang out in your gardens and eat whatever I like and you can't do a thing about it....silly animal lover".  Or, is it being dramatic lying stretched out complaining about how hungry it is because of our impenetrable fence?  I found small mole holes near our veggie garden fence, but it appears that we have been successful at keeping the hungry bunnies out.  Unfortunately, they moved up the yard and this is the result:

Last year we had a family of coyotes living in the woods behind our house.  They were actually very cute and looked a lot better than the mongrels they are portrayed to be.  We didn't see any rabbits last year after they moved in..... natural predators would certainly cure my  flowers inability to bloom.

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