Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Who's going to save the wee turtles" (plants)?

This is the result of that pinched stem.  The wind destroyed my baby.... although looking at all the weeds and dry soil I'm guessing I need to pay better attention to the wee ones.  I broke off the wilted part and am keeping the one or two healthy leaves. I have faith that it will grow and hope that it will yield some pumpkins.  We still have 5 out of 7 healthy plants and hopefully no more strong winds.  Next year I will have to take extreme measures to avoid the damaging gusts:
This picture reminds me of a story that Father John tells us at church. I don't remember the entire story, so I'll abbreviate it: A dude (my term, not the padre's) built a garden for everyone to enjoy.  The children were using it as a playground and trampling the flowers and whatnot. Groundskeeper Willy (again, not the fathers words) saw the kids destroying the garden so he built a wall to keep them out and keep the garden healthy.  Well, he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids.  They got ladders and climbed over the wall so they could keep playing.  So the groundskeeper built a taller wall that would certainly keep them out, but now nobody could enjoy the garden or even see it....the wall was so high it kept the plants from collecting their much needed sunlight so they started to die.  The man that built the garden for everyone saw this and had the wall destroyed stating that it was good that the kids were playing in the garden cause that's what it was built for.

Unfortunately this story does not help me with my wind issue and if I find the kids trampling my little baby pumpkins I'll build a wall around the kids instead of the gardens :) Just kidding!


  1. You need a Bio Dome ! (without Pauly Shore)

  2. There is a great short movie based on Father John's story- it is called "The Lonely Giant"- it is really good- might give you some tips on protecting the plants !

  3. you should shout like they do when they score goals in World cup soccer..."GROOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!"

  4. Have a Happy Father's Day !!!!!

  5. hahahah, I'll give it a shot. And I'll check out that movie. Thanks
    Happy Father's Day to you too!
