Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sheesh, I take a week off from the blog and the plants all popped. You can see the two closest ones are starting to stretch their legs.  I like Lilysails idea of guessing which one will hit the fence first. The ones that are closest have the biggest advantage, but they're also the ones that got beheaded by my vigorous weed plowing.  Not sure about giving away pumpkins to the people that guess correctly. If everyone guesses right then we'll have no jack-o-lanterns for the kids this year. And if nobody guesses correctly then I'll feel like the Scrooge of Halloween. I'll need to come up with a cool "Ebenezer Scrooge" name that's appropriate for Halloween.  I'm expecting some good suggestions from you folk. I'll get the ball rolling..... How about Gourdon Miserly? Or Pepo Deprivative?

Next tune in when we'll discuss Al's gourd-mobiles for the pumpkin chariot races!!


  1. Those pumpkins are taking off ! With the Halloween theme- you could name one after Twilight actor, Robert Pumpkin-son

  2. I heard Twilight is Nick's favorite movie

  3. He's obviously watching it right now or he'd be commenting on this blog post ;)

  4. Watching it...he is probably reenacting his favorite scenes ! PS Pumpkins look like they are doing great

  5. Is there any chance those pumpkins will take over your lawn-?
