Monday, June 7, 2010

I don't know what to make of this.... Right after I post my story about the baby birds I went outside and found the front door to our bluebird house open.  I peered in and it looked like the poor little guys were dead. They weren't moving and momma bird was nowhere to be seen.  After I snapped a picture I used a stick to close the door and swing that clasp back into place. I've read that if momma bird smells some gross human on its offspring, it abandons them. I didn't want that to happen, so I was able to close it up with the stick.  When I hit the door with my stick, the babies all kind of jumped and shrunk down further into their nest. That gave me hope that they are still alive. Observing it for the past 2 days I noticed that momma bird was flying back and forth.  So she still seems interested in caring for her young. Yeah!! Catastrophe averted. But I wonder why the door keeps opening. This is the 3rd year I've discovered the door open. Previous years did not end well. I should put another clasp on the other side. But I'm wondering what cause the door to fly have to apply some pretty decent force to open it with the clasp in place.  Could it be some vicious predator looking for a tasty snack? Perhaps our neighbors outdoor cat. That seems the most likely, but I've never caught him looking around the area.  I suppose it could also be the mother bird forcing her way out? Don't know.... maybe I'll setup a video camera. Then I could be like CTU from "24" and enhance the digital image to catch my perp.

1 comment:

  1. Are those pictures of the young birds, bluebirds??????????? I thought if you opened the house the adult birds would leave the babies. I'm going to open mine and see what happens.

    Was that a real picture of a coyote? Was it in your yard? Yo! what's up with that?
